Cable/transformer paper

Cable/transformer paper from a leading global manufacturer. Cable paper is used, among other things, in the paper insulation of cables, while transformer paper is used in oil-filled transformers as layer insulation.

The Voltrog range includes cable and transformer paper in thicknesses:

  • 0,06 mm,
  • 0,075 mm,
  • 0,12 mm.

We sell both full width material (675 mm) and cable/transformer paper cut to the required width. The standard width of the inside diameter is 76 mm.

Check also: Mylar film.

About the company

VOLTROG Sp. z o.o. was established in 1999, and at the time of its founding it dealt exclusively with the warranty service of transformers for their renowned manufacturers; at a later stage it began to implement technological solutions mainly concerning the cutting of soft and hard electrical insulating materials.
